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You likely came to this page of our website to see where we fall in the Christian mix. Protestant? Roman Catholic? What denomination? Fundamentalist? Reformed? Emergent? Missional?

We aren't sure that God is all that into labels, so we aren't either. At Graceland we have tied ourselves to the story of God found in Jesus' message of love, which makes us decidedly Christian, but we gladly welcome anybody among us regardless of creed, race, religious background, or any other division that we humans like to divide ourselves into. Our hope is that everyone who wanders into our community will come to love and embrace Jesus and His story too. We do all this because we believe that this story is the most beautiful story possible, and that Jesus message of love is bigger than our petty human divisions.

To put it very simply, we believe that God created us. We sinned by doing things our own way instead of God's way. This broke the intimate connection we had with God. About 2,000 years ago Jesus came to Earth to show us what God is like. He was God incarnate. He came to show us a better way to live and how to live our lives the way God intended and to offer forgiveness of our sins. People didn't want to accept what Jesus was saying so they crucified him. But He didn't remain dead, He rose from the grave. He is now in heaven, but His Spirit comes to live inside of those who ask Him to reside there. He offers eternal life to those who put their trust in Him instead of their own good works.

Graceland Church is affiliated with the Foursquare Organization which is an interdenominational organization. If you prefer specific doctrinal statements, click HERE.

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